Three Computer Geeks Gruff - Kilgore Kari

2.53 €

When the cat drags in a mystery A cold IT dungeon, full of noisy servers and grumpy workers. Not exactly a natural fit for a cat.Until you consider blinking lights and all those places to hide. And folks more comfortable with animals than other people.But this cat discovers toys more disturbing than cute.What will Dana find in the impossible hiding place? A Dana Sanderson Short Mystery An excerpt from Three Computer Geeks Gruff Gayle sat back, rubbing her chin and staring at a bright red line on the screen. “Huh. Looks like Mr. Rawson is under suspension. Hasn’t reported to work at all for a week, or even called in. Still doesn’t explain how this thing got down here.” She held the token up, turning the smooth black plastic back and forth. When Peluda jumped up on the desk this time, she held a heavy gold ring in her teeth. A man’s college class ring, from the looks of it, with a big sapphire stone and lots of engraving. “What the hell?” Gayle absently patted Peluda’s head as she extracted the ring and held it up to the light. A gold G with a T joined to it. “Please tell me McGranville went to Georgia Tech,” Dana said, trying to catch her breath through the falling sensation in her gut. “Please tell me that’s his ring.”

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